On FOTO-HÖREN you can listen to the recordings of events at f³ – freiraum für fotografie. The journalist Margit Miosga (rbb-Kulturradio) and other presenters talk to guests from politics, art and culture offering background information about the current photo exhibition.
FOTO-HÖREN about “The Illegal Image” with photographer OSTKREUZ Agentur der Fotografen Espen Eichhöfer in discussion with Felix Hoffmann, curator C/O Berlin.
FOTO-HÖREN about “Climate Change” with climate activists Niklas Schinerl, Greenpeace, and Svenja Kannt, Fridays for Future.
FOTO-HÖREN about “OST/WEST Berlin“ with photographer Nelly Rau-Häring.
FOTO-HÖREN about “In [Un]Retirement” with publicist Barbara Sichtermann and sociology professor Simone Scherger.
FOTO-HÖREN about “Are you already integrated, or are you still alive?” with Begzada Kilian and Ebru Taşdemir.